It's been ages since I've had so much fun playing around with one design. I'd love to make one more but can't see myself finding the time between now and Christmas. There are a number of gifts to make and if I don't start soon......
Right from the beginning I wanted to stitch on the blue linen, it was a close call, but I chose the grey Artisan cloth instead. When I didn’t have the perfect print, I played around and pieced the back, which triggered ideas for future projects. Stitching on the grey first, meant by the time I started on the blue, the French General La Vie Boheme Linen had arrived, and it was perfect!
The cutting directions for either the Red Work or Blue Purse are as follows:-
A ¼ inch seam allowance is included in the cutting measurements.
- fabric to stitch on, one 5½ inch x 6½ inch piece
- a print fabric, one 9½ inch x 6½ inch piece (back) and two 2½ x 6½ inch pieces (side panels)
- lining fabric, two 9½ inch x 6½ inch pieces
- iron-on-pellon, one 5½ inch x 6½ inch piece (stitchery), one 9½ inch x 6½ inch piece (back) and two 2½ x 6½ inch pieces (side panels)
You also need
- a 25cm nylon zip (I find it easier to use a longer zip and trim it to size)
- your favourite threads, and
- a glue pen.
To Start
- Fuse the iron-on-pellon to the corresponding pieces of fabric.
The side panels are sewn to the stitchery piece after it’s stitched.
- Slow Stitch referring to the steps (Slow Stitching Free Pattern).
- Sew the side panels to the stitchery. Press the seams towards the panel piece (Red Work Purse) OR open (Blue Purse).
- Complete the purse following the steps in the How to Make a Zipper Purse video.
I hope you have as much fun making these purses as I have.
Happy Stitching