Once upon a time I used to rush around and decorate in a day or two. Now I enjoy decorating one spot at a time.
It’s easier to keep repeating the same arrangements each year. Taking it slow means I’ve time to think about mixing it up. It doesn’t have to be a big change. This year I stood the reindeer (looks more like a sheep, the antlers suggest otherwise) in the bowl I usually fill with little pillows. It looks right at home there.
Before you ask about a pattern, it was a gift.
Somethings definitely don’t change like the red & white shoofly quilt hanging on the wall. I started a quilt twelve months ago, picturing it finished and hanging up this Christmas. Not even close to complete! It’s on my January 2022 'must do list'. And I always hang the Make Merry decorations on the same tree; this year I added Sew Jolly. It's hard to break habits!
Happy Decorating