I'd just finished typing my blog and was feeling a little pleased with myself thinking I'm starting to get the hang of this when the post I was working on disappeared. I'm not sure what I did (obviously something wrong) so now I have to re-type it.
I'd never heard of blogs until Barb Smith (Woodcutter's Daughter) told me about them at the Girls Day Out last May. That started me thinking and everytime I mentioned blogs to Jan she kept encouraging me to start one. And just over two weeks ago, much to my surprise and I think Jan's, that's what I did. I just decided that I could not put it off any longer.
The encouragement I have received from your comments has been most gratifying and kept me going.
Now I know you all love pictures. There will be one next time, I promise, but I have added two albums with pictures of my Christmas patterns, bags and sewing accessories. So please take your time and have a browse. You'll find stockist details under the heading "Pages".